SAINT DOLLS by Isabella
Saints are $10 each!
SPECIAL OFFER: Order any two saints pictured together (on this page or another page), and receive both for only $18!

Includes Pontius Pilate, Pharisee, 2 Roman soldiers, John, Mary, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Simon of Cyrene, Peter, Weeping Woman, Veronica, and Cross.

Includes Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus, Manger, and Stable with Star

Stable, front view

Stable, back view

A close-up of Baby Jesus and his manger from the Nativity Set.

Saintly twins!

Twin physicians

Two of the most influential and inspirational 20th century saints.

Mother and son

Two of the children of the apparition at Fatima

The original dynamic duo!

(Baby Jesus is painted on.)

Parents of St. Therese of Lisiuex. Proof to us all that the married vocation is holy, too!
Contact me if you are interested in purchasing a Resurrection set, Last Supper set, or additional figures (shepherd, Wise Men, etc.) for your Nativity scene. I have not made them yet but would love to get the opportunity to add more pictures and options to the website!
To order a saint or set, email me using the contact page!
Click on the image to see a larger picture.